Asambleja Komunale e FΓ«mijΓ«ve Γ«shtΓ« duke realizuar takimet me 13 SHFMU dhe me OrganizatΓ«n Down Syndrome Kosova nΓ« KomunΓ«n e Prizrenit. QΓ«llimi i takimeve ishte tΓ« informohemi rreth HapΓ«sirΓ«n Qytetare dhe Avokimi.
NΓ« kΓ«to takime u prezantua tema e HapΓ«sirΓ«s qytetare dhe avokimit dhe u diskutua me fΓ«mijΓ«t. Pasi u dhamΓ« fΓ«mijΓ«ve informacion tΓ« pΓ«rgjithshΓ«m pΓ«r hapΓ«sirΓ«n qytetare dhe avokim, ne vazhduam me ta nΓ« formΓ«n e mΓ« shumΓ« pyetjeve dhe pΓ«rgjigjeve.
NΓ« kΓ«tΓ« takimet, tΓ« cilat e zhvilluam nΓ« formΓ«n e njΓ« bisede mΓ« tΓ« zakonshme, fΓ«mijΓ«t ndanΓ« pΓ«rvojat e tyre personale. Ne gjithashtu u treguam fΓ«mijΓ«ve pΓ«r rΓ«ndΓ«sinΓ« e ndarjes sΓ« mendimeve tΓ« tyre lirshΓ«m.
Nevo Koncepti implementon projektin βQeverisja e tΓ« Drejtave tΓ« FΓ«mijΓ«veβ dhe implementohet nΓ« partneritet me Save the Children Kosova/o dhe SIDA.
The Municipal Assembly of children is conducting meetings with 13 Schools and with the organization Down Syndrome Kosovaa in the municipality of Prizren. The purpose of the meetings was to inform about the civic space and advocacy.
In these meetings, the topic of civic space and advocacy was presented and discussed with children. After giving children general information about civic space and advocacy, we continued with them in the form of more questions and answers.
In this meeting, which we held in the form of a more common conversation, the children shared their personal experiences. We also told children about the importance of sharing their thoughts freely.
Nevo Koncepti implements the project “Child Rights Governance” and is implemented in partnership with Save the Children Kosova/o and SIDA.