Me datΓ«n 29.08.2023 Γ«shtΓ« mbajtur trajnimi pΓ«r antarΓ«t e AsamblesΓ« Komunale tΓ« FΓ«mijΓ«ve mbi temΓ«n βMenaxhimi i Komunikimit dhe Dialogut ndΓ«rmjet bashkΓ«moshatarΓ«veβ me trajneren znj.Arjana Zhubi.
Ne kΓ«te trajnim janΓ« realizuar disa metoda, seanca dhe aktivitete zbavitΓ«se tΓ« cilat kanΓ« rezultuar nΓ« mΓ«nyre pozitive tek antarΓ«t e AsamblesΓ«.
GjatΓ« trajnimit, fΓ«mijΓ«t dalluan pΓ«rkufizimet pΓ«r NdΓ«rmjetΓ«simin dhe Negocimin duke dhΓ«nΓ« shembuj nga jeta praktike. IdetΓ« e fΓ«mijΓ«ve u shprehΓ«n nΓ« harmonizim me temat e trajnimit.
Metodat e ndΓ«rmjetΓ«simit ishin elementet e reja tΓ« panjohura pΓ«r fΓ«mijΓ«t. Disa nga situatat konfliktuoze nΓ« shoqΓ«ri dhe familje ishin tΓ« shprehura nga fΓ«mijΓ«t duke argumentuar me emocionet e shfaqura gjatΓ« konfliktit.
Nevo Koncepti implemtenton projektin βQeverisja e tΓ« Drejtave tΓ« FΓ«mijΓ«veβ dhe implementohet nΓ« partneritet me Save the Children Kosova/o.
On 29.08.2023 was held the training for members of the Municipal Assembly of children on the topic βManagement of Communication and Dialogue between peers ” with Mrs.Arjana Zhubi.
In this training realized several methods, sessions and fun activities that have resulted in a positive way to the members of the Assembly.
During the training, the children distinguished definitions of mediation and negotiation by giving examples from practical life. The ideas of the children were expressed in harmony with the topics of the training.
Methods of mediation were new elements unknown to children. Some of the conflicting situations in society and family were expressed by children arguing with the emotions displayed during the conflict.
Nevo Koncepti implements the project “Governance of Children’s Rights” and is implemented in partnership with Save the Children Kosova/o.