Asambleja Komunale e FΓ«mijeve realizoi takimin pΓ«r nder tΓ« ditΓ«s se rinis e cila shΓ«nohet me datΓ«n 12 Gusht ne menyren te diskutimit,mysafir special nΓ« aktivitet ishte znj.Puhiza Shemsedini.
Puhiza na tregoi se si pΓ«rvoja e saj duke filluar nga Asambleja Komunale te FΓ«mijΓ«ve e bΓ«ri atΓ« tΓ« shndΓ«rrohej nΓ« njΓ« aktiviste.
Ata folΓ«n pΓ«r orientimin nΓ« karrierΓ«, mundΓ«sitΓ« qΓ« mund tΓ« ndjekin, disa hapa qΓ« do t’i ndihmojnΓ« tΓ« kenΓ« sukses , aktivizmin dhe rΓ«ndΓ«sinΓ« e ngritjes sΓ« zΓ«rit tΓ« tΓ« rinjve.
Ne falënderojmë Puhizes që na kushtoi kohën e saj të vlefshme dhe na ndriçoi me informacionin e saj.
Nevo Koncepti implementon projektin”Qeverisja e tΓ« Drejtave tΓ« FΓ«mijΓ«ve” dhe implementohet nΓ« partneritet me Save the Children Kosova/o dhe SIDA.
Happy International Youth Day!
Municipal Children’s Assembly held an event in honor of the 12th of August the Youth Day and the special guest of the event was mrs. Puhiza Semsedini.
Puhiza told us how her experience starting with the Municipal Assembly of children led her to become an activist.
They talked about career orientation, the opportunities they can pursue, some steps that will help them succeed , activism and the importance of raising the voice of young people.
We thank to Puhiza for devoting her valuable time to us and enlightening us with her informations.
Nevo Koncepti implements the project “Child Rights Governance” and is implemented in partnership with Save the Children Kosova/o and SIDA.