Me datΓ«n 27.06.2023 Γ«shtΓ« realizuar vizita pΓ«r shkΓ«mbimin e pΓ«rvojave me AsamblenΓ« Komunale tΓ« FΓ«mijeve me KomunΓ«n e KlinΓ«s. AntarΓ«t e AsamblesΓ« tΓ« FΓ«mijΓ«ve nga komuna e KlinΓ«s na vizituan nΓ« Prizren dhe ndanΓ« pΓ«rvojat e tyre me ne.
NΓ« kΓ«tΓ« takim Kryesia e AsamblesΓ« sΓ« FΓ«mijΓ«ve tΓ« KomunΓ«s sΓ« Prizrenit dhe Asambleja e FΓ«mijΓ«ve tΓ« KomunΓ«s sΓ« KlinΓ«s, prezantuan aktivitetet e tyre tΓ« cilat i kanΓ« zhvilluar gjatΓ« kΓ«tijΓ« viti, fΓ«mijΓ«t mΓ«suan nga njΓ«ri-tjetri se pΓ«r Γ§farΓ« ishin kuriozΓ« nΓ« formΓ«n e pyetjeve dhe pΓ«rgjigjeve.
Në këtë takim u prezantua dhe u diskutua edhe çështja e hapësirës qytetare.
Gjithashtu nΓ« kΓ«tΓ« takim, fΓ«mijet u konsultuan pΓ«r ngacmimin dhe bullizimin nΓ« Internet dhe se si mund tΓ« parandalohet. nΓ« internet dhe se si mund tΓ« parandalohet.
GjatΓ« kΓ«tijΓ« takimi antarΓ«t e AsamblesΓ« diskutuan rreth qeshtjeve tΓ« avokimit tek institucionet dhe qΓ«shtjen pΓ«r sigurin nΓ« shkollat e tyre.
Nevo Koncepti implementon projektin βQeverisja e tΓ« Drejtave tΓ« FΓ«mijΓ«veβ dhe implementohet nΓ« partneritet me Save the Children Kosova/o dhe SIDA.
On 27.06.2023, a visit was conducted to exchange experiences with the Municipal Assembly of children with the municipality of Klina. Members of the children’s Assembly from the municipality of Klina visited us in Prizren and shared their experiences with us.
In this meeting, the presidency of the children’s Assembly of the municipality of Prizren and the children’s Assembly of the municipality of Klina presented their activities that they have developed during this year.
Children learned from each other what they were curious about in the form of questions and answers. In this meeting, the issue of civil space was presented and discussed.
Also at this meeting, children were consulted about bullying and online bullying and how it can be prevented.
During this meeting members of the Assembly discussed about the issues of advocacy in institutions and the issue of safety in their schools.
Nevo Koncepti implements the project “Child Rights Governance” and is implemented in partnership with Save the Children Kosova/o and SIDA.