Komuna e Prizrenit mbajti dΓ«gjime publike me qytetarΓ«, aktivistΓ«, zyrtarΓ« komunal dhe zyrtarΓ« tΓ« organizatave joqeveritare nΓ« mΓ«nyrΓ« qΓ« tΓ« dΓ«gjohet zΓ«ri i tΓ« gjithΓ«ve.
Ky takim ishte mundΓ«si e mirΓ« qΓ« Asambleja Komunale te Femijeve tΓ« avokojΓ« pΓ«r qfarΓ«do nevoje qΓ« kanΓ« fΓ«mijΓ«t nΓ« komunΓ«n e Prizrenit.
Ishte nderΓ« dhe kΓ«naqΓ«si qΓ« tΓ« jemi pjesΓ« e kΓ«sajΓ« degjimit Publik tΓ« Kuvendit Komunal tΓ« Prizrenit.
Nevo Koncepti implementon projektin”Qeverisja e tΓ« Drejtave tΓ« FΓ«mijΓ«ve” dhe implementohet nΓ« partneritet me SSave the Children Kosova/odhe SIDA.
The Municipal Assembly of children participates in the public hearings of the Municipal Assembly
The municipality of Prizren held public hearings with citizens, activists, municipal officials and officials of non-governmental organizations in order to make everyone’s voice heard.
This meeting was a good opportunity for the Municipal Assembly of children to advocate for whatever needs children have in the municipality of Prizren.
It was an honor and pleasure to be part of this public hearing of the Prizren Municipal Assembly.
Nevo Koncepti implements the project βChild Rights Governanceβ and is implemented in partnership with SSave the Children Kosova/oand SIDA.